An Apple A Day May Actually Keep The Doctor Away After All

A study found that mature women who consumed dried apples every day for a year experienced a 23 percent decrease in low-density lipoprotein, otherwise known as bad cholesterol.Almost everyone in the U.S. has heard the time-tested saying, but new research indicates it may actually be true – consuming at least one apple each day may protect overall health and wellness. This effect is largely due to the fruit’s antioxidants, which are compounds also found in dietary supplements.

A study presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology found that mature women who consumed dried apples every day for a year experienced a 23 percent decrease in low-density lipoprotein, otherwise known as bad cholesterol.

The experiment, which was conducted by scientists at Florida State University, also determined that even though this diet contributed an extra 240 daily calories to the participants’ eating regimens, those who ate apples did not gain weight.

Researchers concluded that the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found in this form of fruit may support health and fitness as Americans age.

For those who dislike apples or have little access to them, vitamin supplements may be able to provide nutrients in place of the fruit.